Italian Italian season tips Giacomo Agostini provided an exciting 2024 MotoGP season for interesting developments in the long list of the most successful GP pilots. The great Rakete zündete Vize-Champion Bagnaia.

After the Zwanzige MotoGP-Wochenenden with 40 races, it is gold for the average unmixing of production dates and recognitions during sorting. On the Schreibtisch there is a long list with all the riders of the Motorrad-Straßenweltmeisterschaft having landed on asphalt.

According to the 75 Years Renngeschehen on DIN-A4-Seiten angewachsene Documents quickly abzuheften, ergibt a prüfender Take a look at the Title page of the «All time» Siegerliste but some comments were made. Behind the bar in Granite, Giacomo Agostini (122 GP-Siege) has been chatting since sailing in Geraten’s Movement.

It will happen so often that starting number 93. Marc Marquez can look forward to the Sattel of the Gresini-Ducati that is driven by Gegnern Wiederauferstehung. Marquez presented himself with three GP victories; der Spanier schoss zurück auf Rank 3 van WM-Tabelle. With 88 victories, Marquez claimed the highest ranking of all GP victories. But of Rank 3, the Spanish bislang hereditary pilots Angel Nieto is content, running Marc Marquez for the Saison 2025 now neither during the Siege.

With the leading pilots in the official Ducati Work Team, they won the laws, including the #93 absehbar and offiziell the title of the Spaniards with the most GP victories.

Great news over the past 32 years, Gegner, rivals Valentino Rossi, are directly in view. With 115 Siegen für VR46, the MotoGP Karotte is all in great distance. Selbst bei een nicht wathrscheinlichen Kommplett-Durchmarsch of the new Ducati-Werksfahrers – the Italian was able to finish Marquez frühestens 2026.

Möglich was day one Gleichstand in Sachen Titelgewinn. Holt sich Marc Marquez de Krone in the King’s class is 9:9.

Erstaunlich ist Leistung des Vizeweltmeisters 2024. Gemessen und Rennsiegen-War Pecco Bagnaia der ergolgreichste Athlet der Saison. With the berauschenden Zahl von elf Siegen, was a quote from 55 Prozent-spricht, setzte Bagnaia zum großen Emerged in the list of the new best one.

When Kalibern took a new position with Loris Capirossi, Eddie Lawson, John Surtees or Jorge Martinez. Damit ranks among the Italians on Platz 11. The ranks of the new alten #63 have been in a siege for years to come, including Casey Stoner, Max Biaggi and Toni Mang in the Top 10 of History.

Beschlichte konnte auch Jorge Martin. Among the unfassbaren 32 Podestplaces, who #89 letztlich on the Thron of the Royal Class, all things were a single GP Sonntag. In the ranking of the common steps, the people of Madrid are becoming more moderate. Martin was involved in active Kenngrößen with Brad Binder and Pedro Acosta and with 18 GP-Triumphen was now in Rank 45 – and kept going before they ended up on the title page of the list.

The Top 15 Drivers with the most Grand Prix victories

1. Giacomo Agostini 122 Siege
2. Valentino Rossi 115
3. Angel Nieto 90
4. Marc Marquez 88
5. Mike Hailwood 76
6.Jorge Lorenzo 68
7. Dani Pedrosa, Mick Doohan 54
8. Phil Read 52
9. Jim Redman, Casey Stoner 45
10. Max Biaggi, Toni Mang 42
11. Carlo Ubbiali, Pecco Bagnaia 39
12. John Surtees38
13. Jorge Martinez 37
14. Luca Cadalora 34
15. Geoff Hertog 33

45. Jorge Martin 18

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